All free and paid users can see basic details about you in search results. This includes all the information that is present in a regular Kashmiri 'parcha' i.e., Profile by, DOB, Marital Status, Sect, Family Name, Education, Occupation, City, and Father's profession. Your name and contact details are not shown in search results.
By clicking it, users can access your full details. However, note that only Paid users can check these details. You can keep your contact information private by adjusting your Contact privacy settings. Your name, phone number, and email address will then only be visible to those whose match interest requests you accept.
By default, all paid users can see your contact details. You can change its privacy and keep it visible only for the people whose match interest request you have accepted.
Your photo is visible to all users. You can change its privacy in your profile's privacy settings and set it to Hide from all users or show only to paid users.
You can hide your contact information (i.e., name, email ID, phone number) and photos from others.
No. To protect the privacy of users, we charge a nominal amount from all users. However, each user gets 1 profile view (without contact access) after verifying their email id and ID proof.
The following details will be revealed: Name, Email ID, and Mobile.