The Ultimate Checklist of All the Items Required for Kashmiri Wedding Days

Here’s everything one needs on the days of a Kashmiri wedding event. Most of these items will be provided by your wedding event partner but it’s still great to have a checklist at your end. Note: Kindly include the things according to your budget and needs. Do not add them to your list just because […]

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14 Tips No One Will Tell a Kashmiri Bride (But She Absolutely Needs to Know)

As a Kashmiri bride, you’re likely surrounded by excitement and anticipation as your special day approaches. Amidst the whirlwind of wedding preparations, to ensure you’re fully prepared for the new chapter of your life, I’m shedding light on the untold secrets and practical tips that every Kashmiri bride needs to know. Get ready to uncover […]

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11 Simple Things That Make Our Kashmiri Weddings Special

What makes any culture special first of all? We can say it is their food, dressing style, traditions, ceremonies in different events, habits, and people. From culture to culture, these things take new forms, types, and meanings. Hence, representing the identity of the native culture. Our Kashmiri weddings are no different. We have our own […]

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5 reasons to carry your Wazwaan home and not feel guilty about it

Unlike weddings in other cultures which have a buffet system, things are different in a Kashmiri wedding. In our culture, we share the platter aka trammi with three others on which the attendants keep serving more dishes. It is not unusual that people are served more than they can eat and a lot of it […]

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17 Pictures That Define the Essence of a Kashmiri Wedding

17 Pictures That Define the Essence of a Kashmiri Wedding We all love our cultures and we take great pride in it, as it is a part of who we are. Every culture with its unique flavor, value, and significance presents different ways of life. Weddings in different cultures have a unique aroma, we can […]

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